Tracing & Investigation

Debtor Tracing Agents

Trace - Locate - Resolve

Every year millions of pounds are written off due to debtors absconding and proving difficult to locate.

We use a panel of specialists trace agents who provide accurate information combined with competitive turnaround times and high success rates.

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Tracing Services

Many businesses write off millions of pounds every year simply because they don't know the whereabouts of their debtors and therefore, cannot bring a legal case against them. From commercial tracing to "gone away" individuals, we can locate and re-establish contact to ensure ongoing debt collection activity.

What we need?

We primarily require the subjects name and last known address. Any additional information is beneficial, such as a date of birth, original agreement address (if different from their last known address) and telephone numbers  The more relevant information initially provided will maximise the enquiries we can make. For a standard trace the typical turnaround will be 7 days.

Traces we provide

* Address Trace Report -  Locate your subjects current residential address along with all other relevant contact information available (including landline and mobile telephone numbers/ email addresses/ CCJ info in debt matters)

*  Express Address Trace -  Available where urgency is required - Fee £40 (all other report types are also available expedited).


* Employment Status Report -  Confirm subjects employment status along with all other contact information available (including landline and mobile telephone numbers/ email addresses/ CCJ info in debt matters)


* Address Trace & Employment Status Report -  Both of the above in one combined report

* Business/ Company Trace -  Confirm if a company is trading, Locate the business address, contact telephone number(s), email and website (including other relevant information)


* International Trace -  Locate individuals who have moved abroad

* Asset Search -
  Obtain details of assets upon which can be levied, including Land Registry documentation, CCJ/ IVA & Bankruptcy information. This report can be combined with a trace and/ or employment status report if required 


*Information Report: -  Locating specific information on an individual - usually for more complex investigations of 2 hours or more

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